Current books
These are the books I brought home with me from the library on Wednesday.
Jean-Paul Sartre - Äcklet (Nausea)
George Orwell - 1984
John Grisham - Den oskyldige mannen (The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town)
Deborah Spungen - Inte som andra döttrar (And I don't want to live this life)
As you know, I've already finished Deborah Spungen.
I can't decide which one to read next?
I'm leaning towards Sartre, so I can finish another book before the weekend is over, but I am pretty curious about the John Grisham-book.
I've got like 4 of his books on my shelf and I have only read one (yes I know, this is horrible), Juryn or originaltitle - A Time To Kill.
The other ones I found at a Red Cross-shop a few years ago, but never gotten around to reading them.
When project facebooks is over, maybe I will :)
List of books.
The list sofar (title, author, /recommending):
01. Den oskyldige mannen (The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town) by John Grisham / Jeanette Levin
02. Ursäkta att man vill bli lite älskad by Johanna Thydell / Anton Stenlund
03. Inte som andra döttrar (...And I don't want to live this life) by Deborah Spungen / Jenny Berggren
04. Sluta grubbla börja leva (Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life) by Steven Hayes / Roger Thollin
05. 100-årigen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann by Jonas Jonasson / Emily Olsson
06. Äcklet (Nausea) by Jean-Paul Sartre / Olof Stenlund
07. Frukta ingenting (Fear Nothing) by Dean Koontz / Matilda Svensson
08. Den målade fågeln (The Painted Bird) by Jerzy Konsinski / Robert Ryttman
09. 1984 by George Orwell /Nadine Ecker
10. Skumtimmen av Johan Theorin / Mattias Högström
11. Diamantsvärdet och träsvärdet (Diamond Sword, Wooden Sword) by Nick Perumov / P-o Olsson
12. Vindens skugga (The Shadow of the Wind) by Carlos Ruiz Zafón / Carl Henrik Engvall
13. Sagan om isfolket (The Legend of the Ice People) by Margit Sandemo / Jenny Jonasson
14. Utrota varenda jävel by Sven Lindqvist / Joakim Andersson
15. What happened to Lani Garver by Carol Plum-Ucci / Charlotte Nordin
16. High Fidelity by Nick Hornby / Jane Cedenberger
17. The Football Factory by John King / Lisa Lindvall
18. Svinalängorna by Susanna Alakoski / Zandra Lütz
19. Pappersväggar by John Aivide Lindquist / Mye Andersson
20. Min bästa väns dotter (My Best Friend's Girl) by Dorothy Koomson / Johanna Olsson
21. Gummi-Tarzan by Ole Lund Kirkegaard / Staffan Lindquist
22. Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream by Hunter S Thompson / Markus Kultanen
23. El Choco by Markus Lutteman / Jimmy Grahn
24. Svärdet och spiran (The Pillars of the Earth) by Ken Folett / Lena Blomkvist
25. The Time Travellers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger / Adina Svensson
26. The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger by Stephen King / Nick Billiet
27. Desperation by Stephen King / Stina Bengtsson
28. The Road by Cormac Mccarthy / Becky Atkins
29. Flyga Drake (The Kite Runner) by Khaled Hosseini / Fredrik Hallström
30. The Dice Man by Luke Rhinehart / Johan Karlsson
01. Den oskyldige mannen (The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town) by John Grisham / Jeanette Levin
02. Ursäkta att man vill bli lite älskad by Johanna Thydell / Anton Stenlund
03. Inte som andra döttrar (...And I don't want to live this life) by Deborah Spungen / Jenny Berggren
04. Sluta grubbla börja leva (Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life) by Steven Hayes / Roger Thollin
05. 100-årigen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann by Jonas Jonasson / Emily Olsson
06. Äcklet (Nausea) by Jean-Paul Sartre / Olof Stenlund
07. Frukta ingenting (Fear Nothing) by Dean Koontz / Matilda Svensson
08. Den målade fågeln (The Painted Bird) by Jerzy Konsinski / Robert Ryttman
09. 1984 by George Orwell /Nadine Ecker
10. Skumtimmen av Johan Theorin / Mattias Högström
11. Diamantsvärdet och träsvärdet (Diamond Sword, Wooden Sword) by Nick Perumov / P-o Olsson
12. Vindens skugga (The Shadow of the Wind) by Carlos Ruiz Zafón / Carl Henrik Engvall
13. Sagan om isfolket (The Legend of the Ice People) by Margit Sandemo / Jenny Jonasson
14. Utrota varenda jävel by Sven Lindqvist / Joakim Andersson
15. What happened to Lani Garver by Carol Plum-Ucci / Charlotte Nordin
16. High Fidelity by Nick Hornby / Jane Cedenberger
17. The Football Factory by John King / Lisa Lindvall
18. Svinalängorna by Susanna Alakoski / Zandra Lütz
19. Pappersväggar by John Aivide Lindquist / Mye Andersson
20. Min bästa väns dotter (My Best Friend's Girl) by Dorothy Koomson / Johanna Olsson
21. Gummi-Tarzan by Ole Lund Kirkegaard / Staffan Lindquist
22. Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream by Hunter S Thompson / Markus Kultanen
23. El Choco by Markus Lutteman / Jimmy Grahn
24. Svärdet och spiran (The Pillars of the Earth) by Ken Folett / Lena Blomkvist
25. The Time Travellers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger / Adina Svensson
26. The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger by Stephen King / Nick Billiet
27. Desperation by Stephen King / Stina Bengtsson
28. The Road by Cormac Mccarthy / Becky Atkins
29. Flyga Drake (The Kite Runner) by Khaled Hosseini / Fredrik Hallström
30. The Dice Man by Luke Rhinehart / Johan Karlsson
#1 Spungen, D - Inte som andra döttrar (And I don't want to live this life)
Author: Spungen, Deborah
Genre: Memoirs/Biography
Pages: 438
Language: Swedish
Time: about 8 hours
I have to start by saying that while I do love music (and aggressive music at that) I have never been a Sex Pistols fan, so I had no previous insight in the case of Nancy Spungen's life or death.
Sure, I've heard the name mentioned a few times, but never looked her up.
So there, I said it.
Onwards to the book itself.
I absolutely loved this book. Loved it.
I couldn't stop reading and hated that I had to when my Economics-class started.
My heart broke for all of the members of the Spungen family, but especially for Deborah and of course for Nancy.
For Deborah, because she tried and tried and tried to find someone who could explain to her what was wrong with her daughter, but never succeeding (at least not in time).
For having to suffer through everything Nancy put her and her family through.
For having her own daughter coming up to her and say, in all seriousness, that she wanted to die.
For the way she was treated by the police, the coroner and everyone else outside the family and friend's circle after Nancys death.
For Nancy, for never being completely understood.
For being born in a time when her situation could not be cured or explained.
For never being completely happy.
For being on the way to getting better at the school in Barton with the Bebees, but having that taken away because of the greed of companies wanting money.
I cried on more than one occasion (which, to be honest, was a little embarrassing considering I was sitting in the library most of the time I read the book), because of the way this book in detail explains how families with a mental illness are living.
I felt the pain of Deborah, who is unable to understand and help her daughter, the feeling of absolute helplessness.
In the end, I have no theories on wether or not Sid Vicious murdered his girlfriend, but I do think that Nancy Spungen was not afraid of dying.
If it was a suicide by other hand or murder, we'll never really know.
How I would have loved though, if her plans of getting the two of them into rehab would have come true.
This book gets a big fat 9/10!
If you haven't read it - do it!
If you have read it - read it again!
This book was recommended by Jenny Berggren.
What is project facebooks?
What is this project facebooks then, you might wonder.
Well, I was sitting at the library a few days ago, trying to find something to read, some inspiration.
And it just came to me.
I have 204 friends on Facebook (apart from reading, I do think that I spend most of my time on Facebook. It's a frickin' addiction.)
What if these friends all recommended me 1 book each?
I'm a pretty fast reader, depending on the book of course, I read a book on avarage 1 to 7 days.
But to make it easy, let's say I read a book a week.
There are 52 weeks in a year, so let's divide 204 by 52.
That's 3,923.
But there are times when I cannot read as much as I want to (work, school, tests etc), so let's make that a simple 4.
It means that if every friend on my list on Facebook (to date) recommend me a book, I'd have something to read for the next 4 years!
I've asked my friends to all recommend me books and so far 25 of them has humoured me and done what I asked.
The list of books up until now:
The order of the list is the order of when they got recommended, not the order I plan on reading them.
I'll be reading some of the books in Swedish and some in English, whatever is available at the library.
After I have finished a book, I will write about my thoughts of it here on the blog.
I am currently approximately 100 pages from finishing #2 on the list - Deborah Spungen's book about her daughter Nancy.
Well, I was sitting at the library a few days ago, trying to find something to read, some inspiration.
And it just came to me.
I have 204 friends on Facebook (apart from reading, I do think that I spend most of my time on Facebook. It's a frickin' addiction.)
What if these friends all recommended me 1 book each?
I'm a pretty fast reader, depending on the book of course, I read a book on avarage 1 to 7 days.
But to make it easy, let's say I read a book a week.
There are 52 weeks in a year, so let's divide 204 by 52.
That's 3,923.
But there are times when I cannot read as much as I want to (work, school, tests etc), so let's make that a simple 4.
It means that if every friend on my list on Facebook (to date) recommend me a book, I'd have something to read for the next 4 years!
I've asked my friends to all recommend me books and so far 25 of them has humoured me and done what I asked.
The list of books up until now:
- Den oskyldige mannen (The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town) by John Grisham
- Ursäkta att man vill bli lite älskad by Johanna Thydell
- Inte som andra döttrar (...And I don't want to live this life) by Deborah Spungen
- Sluta grubbla börja leva (Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life) by Steven Hayes
- 100-årigen som klev ut genom fönstret och försvann by Jonas Jonasson
- Äcklet (Nausea) by Jean-Paul Sartre
- Frukta ingenting (Fear Nothing) by Dean Koontz
- Den målade fågeln (The Painted Bird) by Jerzy Konsinski
- 1984 by George Orwell
- Skumtimmen av Johan Theorin
- Diamantsvärdet och träsvärdet (Diamond Sword, Wooden Sword) by Nick Perumov
- Vindens skugga (The Shadow of the Wind) by Carlos Ruiz Zafón
- Sagan om isfolket (The Legend of the Ice People) by Margit Sandemo
- Utrota varenda jävel by Sven Lindqvist
- What happened to Lani Garver by Carol Plum-Ucci
- High Fidelity by Nick Hornby
- The Football Factory by John King
- Svinalängorna by Susanna Alakoski
- Pappersväggar by John Aivide Lindquist
- Min bästa väns dotter (My Best Friend's Girl) by Dorothy Koomson
- Gummi-Tarzan by Ole Lund Kirkegaard
- Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey to the Heart of the American Dream by Hunter S Thompson
- El Choco by Markus Lutteman
- Svärdet och spiran (The Pillars of the Earth) by Ken Folett
- The Time Travellers Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
The order of the list is the order of when they got recommended, not the order I plan on reading them.
I'll be reading some of the books in Swedish and some in English, whatever is available at the library.
After I have finished a book, I will write about my thoughts of it here on the blog.
I am currently approximately 100 pages from finishing #2 on the list - Deborah Spungen's book about her daughter Nancy.
Presentation of self.
Most of you who'll be reading this may be Swedish like me, but for my foreign friends (and because I like it) I'll be writing this blog in English.
Alot of you people already know me pretty well, so this presentation of myself is not for you, but for people who may happen to enter this blog while surfing around the interwebz.
My name is Maria, I'm a soon-to-be 27 yearold who loves to read.
For as long as I can remember my home has been filled with books.
Our livingroom - bookshelves all around filled with books, almost like a library.
My parents loved reading, especially my mother.
Her favourite thing is still to sit on her couch and read.
Or on the terrace.
Or in bed.
Or at the kitchen table.
Whenever we're dining together, my mother and I, we first try and have a few minutes of smalltalk and then we both excuse ourselves and put our noses into our books.
At the table, while eating.
Not really proper etiquette I know, but we really do not care.
If I could, I would fill my apartment with books, but as I am currently sharing a place with my friend I have to settle with having too many books in my room instead.
I love going to the library and find new books to read, crawl up on the couch with a cup of tea and just drift away into the world of my book.
I've started this blog as a part of a new project.
More about this project in my next post.
Alot of you people already know me pretty well, so this presentation of myself is not for you, but for people who may happen to enter this blog while surfing around the interwebz.
My name is Maria, I'm a soon-to-be 27 yearold who loves to read.
For as long as I can remember my home has been filled with books.
Our livingroom - bookshelves all around filled with books, almost like a library.
My parents loved reading, especially my mother.
Her favourite thing is still to sit on her couch and read.
Or on the terrace.
Or in bed.
Or at the kitchen table.
Whenever we're dining together, my mother and I, we first try and have a few minutes of smalltalk and then we both excuse ourselves and put our noses into our books.
At the table, while eating.
Not really proper etiquette I know, but we really do not care.
If I could, I would fill my apartment with books, but as I am currently sharing a place with my friend I have to settle with having too many books in my room instead.
I love going to the library and find new books to read, crawl up on the couch with a cup of tea and just drift away into the world of my book.
I've started this blog as a part of a new project.
More about this project in my next post.